Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sienna Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sienna's Rodeo Outfit

This picture is for my Aunt Nichole

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St Patty's Day 2008

Sienna and Cameron before School/Daycare on St. Patty's Day 2009!


Monday, March 16, 2009

St. Patty's 2009

Over the weekend we went up to Clare, MI to celebrate St. Patty's with The Stone's and The Teddy's, we had a BLAST!! Jason's parents came over to watch the kids and we were up in Clare by 2:30pm on Saturday and drinking by 3pm. Of course since we started so early or because we are getting older we were back to our hotel at 10pm.

We got home before noon on Sunday to find out Sienna was up puking since 3am! We don't know if she had a 24 flu or she ate something bad. By dinner time she was eating, drinking and running around like nothing was ever wrong. By 10pm Jason was getting sick, something is going around!

Here are some cute pictures of the kids!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday March 6th

Today is Sienna's Pajama Pizza party at school, she was so excited. Also here is a picture of Cameron crawling, he turned 10 months old yesterday. The other picture here is from last weekend, Jason napping with all three of the kids!


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ruby Slippers

Last night we took Sienna to see the Wizard of Oz play in Flint at the Whiting, it was WONDERFUL! Two nights prior to the play Sienna and I tried to make her some ruby slippers and at first they seemed to turn out great until we put the last coating on to prevent the glitter from come off. Yep you may have guessed it the last coat started to turn the red glitter silver so we were not able to cover the shoes good enough to prevent glitter from falling off. So unfortunately Sienna did not get to wear her ruby slippers to the play. Even without the slippers Sienna loved the play, I recommend it to everyone!!!

Also yesterday when I picked Cameron up from daycare he had a HUGE bruise above his left eye. He pulled himself up holding onto something and fell over hitting his head. Mom tried to take a picture but unfortunately he would not stand still.

Monday, March 2, 2009

A lot of first over the weekend for Cameron

We had such a great weekend. Friday Jason took Sienna to see the movie Coraline and they both really liked the movie. On Saturday I took Sienna to get her hair cut, she now has bangs! Cameron has finally started to crawl, he is pretty slow but moving. He can also pull himself up holding onto things now which can be very scary for mom and dad. Later on Saturday we went to Rylan's 4th birthday party. Both of my kids had so much fun!! Cameron tried his first homemade rigatoni, he loves Amy's cooking!! Cameron also hung out with his buddies Bendan, Sean and Danika, you can't even tell they are 4 months apart. After we left the party Sienna was so upset, she forgot to give Rylan a hug and kiss goodbye. WOW it was drama so I had to call Amy to make sure she gave Rylan a hug and kiss from Sienna. Sunday was a pretty lazy day, dad took a nap with both kids while I cleaned and started pricing my mom 2 mom sale cloths. Sienna and I ran out to get new bath toys and we were going to look for ruby red slippers but mom forgot her debit card and license so we didn't do much shopping. GO DALE JR., 10th place, much better then the first two races. We are taking Sienna to see the Wizard of Oz play on Wednesday, Sienna is SUPER excited!