Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sienna's Dance Recital

Sienna did such a great job at her dance recital! They sang songs, did a tap dance and a ballet dance, IT WAS SO CUTE!! Check out some of her pictures, I will plan to upload a video soon plus more pictures from her actual recital. The first three pictures are from the other day, she wanted to take pictures with her outfit on, she had me put tons of stuff in her hair to make it look pretty. The last picture is what the back of her hair looked the night of recital.

Memorial Day Weekend 2009


WOW what a weekend, Saturday we spent the afternoon at the Laesch's house. We had such a wonderful time catching up and watching the kids play. Later Saturday evening we headed over to my parents house, we had dinner on the boat and relaxed until bedtime. Sunday morning my parents took the kids to church while I made breakfast for everyone. Later on Sunday my brothers family and other relative came over for a BBQ. It started out as a nice day until Cameron started running a temp, Jason and I ended up taking him urgent care. 10 days prior he was diagnosed with a duo ear infection and the urgent care confirmed he still had a duo ear infection so he prescribed us a stronger antibiotic for 10 more days. On Monday at home Cameron was not doing good at all, temp over 102, slept all day, wouldn't eat and looked awful! Tuesday Jason took him to the doctor and they said his ears looked good, WHAT!! His doc thinks he has some virus and wants us to continue with the antibiotic prescribed but only two times a day instead of three. As of Thursday he is doing much better but I think his medication make him a little out of it plus it gave him MAJOR diarrhea. We are going to wait this out a few more days and if he isn't 100% soon I will be calling the doc again to make sure its not more then just a virus. Also the doc took his measurements and can you believe he grew almost an inch in 2 three weeks from 29.57" to 30.5", I think someone was off but WHO??

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Cameron Turned ONE!

On Saturday May 2nd we had Cameron's first Birthday Party at our house, lots of family and friends came to help us celebrate. We had a WONDERFUL time and it was nice spending time with everyone. On his actual birthday May 5th he unfortunately had his one year doctor appointment and got three shots! He is doing great weighing in at 21.13 lbs (50 percentile and up 1 lb. from his 9 month appointment) Height is 29.75 (75 percentile and up 1" from his 9 month appointment) and his head was 47 cm. Thank you to everyone for helping us make Cameron's first birthday so wonderful!

Also if anyone is curious where his stats compare to Sienna's here it is:
At one year Sienna was a little over 24 lbs and her height was 30.5" and head was 47.5 cm.